A Salish & Kootenai Tribally Owned Business

Multinational Repair and Return Services

S&K Aerospace provides management integration services for the repair of U.S. Air Force and Multi-national aircraft components, sub-components, and support equipment. SKA applies a proven systematic approach to managing program schedule, cost of repairs, performance risks, qualified subcontractors, and Sources of Repair (SORs) with objective benefits for our customers.

Since 2001, S&K Aerospace has managed over 27,000 repairs on more than 2,400 National Stock Number items. As a testament to our success, S&K Aerospace lowered the cost of repairs over the life of the current contract, reducing the “cost-to-repair-ratio” from 25.23% in 2001 to an impressive 15%. We proactively monitor, store, and distribute aircraft components throughout the repair cycle.

S&K Aerospace maintains active business relationships with hundreds of SORs. We select subcontractors that will ensure quality, cost effective, and timely repairs to aging aircraft and who specialize in the repair of diminishing or obsolete parts. By establishing and maintaining a comprehensive database of over 400 potential SOR subcontractors, SKA is able to acquire competitive repair and return work for our clients.


U.S. Air Force



Core Services:

Third Party Logistics

A Salish & Kootenai Tribally Owned Business